3 tips to becoming more confident

3 tips to becoming more confident

Tip 1: Be kind to yourself! 
The way you speak to yourself has a direct impact on how you feel and your behaviours. If your self-talk is filled with criticism, self-doubt and negativity, then you will struggle to find your confidence. 

Retraining your brain and changing the way you speak to yourself is so important. From now on, every time you catch yourself in a negative self-talk spiral, practice flipping it to a positive phrase. 

Sticking positive affirmations on your mirror or writing 3 things you love or appreciate about yourself is another great way to start. Remember, they don’t have to be all physical! 

Just like learning any new skill, it takes time! So, keep practicing it until you begin to be more kind to yourself. Doing the same action repetitively will rewire your brain!


Tip 2: Do things that make you feel good about yourself! 
Live life doing the things that you love, and things that make you feel good about yourself! 

For me, getting a weekend blow-dry and having fab hair for two days makes me feel amazing (compared to my sweaty gym bun from Monday-Friday). Hanging out with my friends who love me and make me laugh is always a win for my confidence and happiness levels. 

I love spending 15-20 minutes outdoors in the sun as it does wonders for my mood, and is proven to increase your happiness hormones. 

Be unapologetic about what makes you feel good and make sure you schedule time in throughout the week to do this. Because, at the end of the day, when you feel good about yourself and you’re doing the things that you love, you’ll feel a lot happier! 


Tip 3: Don’t compare yourself to others! 
Boy, this can be hard! Especially with how social media has become a huge part of our daily lives. But how do we stop? 

We need to remember that nobody, not even influencers, are perfect. Social media only portrays the happy moments in people’s lives, not the struggles or the journey. 

To stop comparing yourself to others, try: 

  • Keeping a Daily Gratitude Journal to document your blessings. 
  • Delete social media pages/profiles that don’t serve your well-being. 
  • Do not use your phone first thing in the morning! Wait until after breakfast. 
  • Surround yourself with good humans who inspire and uplift you. 
  • Water your own grass! Focus on you, and what you have going on. Building a happier, more fulfilling life for yourself! #BossBitch!

It doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing! So focus on you, your journey and most importantly, your happiness! 

Repeat after me, “I am confident, beautiful + strong!” 


Big love,
Sara XO 

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