5 tips to keep you on track

5 tips to keep you on track
  1. No eating after dinner
    The kitchen is closed! Try brushing your teeth straight after dinner to resist late night snacking. 

  2. Get organised
    This includes organising everything that will set you up for a successful week. Doing your groceries on a Sunday, planning and prepping your meals, making healthy snacks for those busy days, and scheduling your training + self-care days for the week. 

  3. Clean out temptations from your cupboards
    “Out of sight, out of mind!"

  4. Exercise!
    ZERO excuses! Plan it a week ahead in your diary/calendar, and "Just do it!" Even if it’s just a walk, move your body. 

  5. Get inspired
    Put a picture of yourself when you were at your hottest or a picture of someone who inspires you on your lock screen/screensaver (you want this to be somewhere that's noticeable). You might even choose an inspirational quote! Create this vision board of the ‘new you’ and this amazing happy, healthy life of yours that you so truly deserve. 


Stick to these simple steps and watch the happiest and healthiest version of you unfold. 

Remember, progress over perfection. You’ve got this!! 


Big love,
Sara XO 

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