Starting your day with the Magic Morning Mindset

Starting your day with the Magic Morning Mindset

We can all agree that manicures, baths, and cosy movie nights on the couch all fall under the umbrella of self-care. But I believe that it’s time to go deeper and re-claim what self-care truly means. It’s also time to view self-care as imperative, and to move it from the lonely bottom of our to-do list, and plant it firmly at the top. 

For me, self-care has become my main priority over the past few years. When I put time in my calendar on a regular basis for things that make me feel good like nature walks, self-reflection, meditation, and exercise; I stay in connection with myself and the things I want to say "yesand "noto. 

Self-care is about clearing out the cobwebs in my mind with daily journaling and going to the gym. It’s about taking time to slow down and set a daily routine that puts me first, and doing so without guilt!

The miraculous thing is, the more I claim time for myself, the more I overflow with positive energy and patience for the people I love most. See how that works? The more I give to myself, the more I can give to others from a place of fullness. 

That’s why having a morning routine to set you up for a positive day can be a huge part of self-care. Positive morning means a positive day, a positive outlook on life and positive self-esteem. 

Whether your morning routine is short or long; includes yoga or dance; includes writing for an hour or for just five minutes; there’s always a benefit beyond the morning hours. 

The way you start your day sets the tone for your day. Starting with the Magic Morning Mindset prepares you to be calmer, more joyful, more connected to yourself, and better able to voice your needs. By prioritising self-care and putting it at the top of your to-do list, you’re telling yourself that your needs matter. 

What is the MAGIC Morning Mindset? 
M – Movement
A – Alignment
G – Gratitude
I – Intuition (or Intention)
C – Connection 

How Can You Start? 

  1. First, set the intention that you want to create a 3 step Magic Morning Mindset. 
  2. If you have a hard time waking up, commit to going to bed a bit earlier (even 15-20 minutes will make a difference).
  3. Decide what you want to do for your mind, body, and soul.
  4. Set yourself up for success. Lay out a yoga mat the night before or have your journal and a few pens ready. (I can’t tell you how many pens I’ve gone through over the years.) 
  5. Stay gentle by starting with 5 minutes. 
  6. Notice how you feel throughout the day after doing the Magic Morning Mindset practice. 


Big love, 
Sara XO 

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