4 tips to motivate you to train

4 tips to motivate you to train

I came across a quote the other day that truly resonated with me when I was first starting my fitness journey. A time when self-doubt and fear sometimes snuck up on me, which made starting my journey a whole lot harder. 

“Stop putting off for tomorrow what could be done today.” 

This goes for anything in life, but especially fitness, and starting your own journey. 

Below I have some tips to help you overcome procrastinating putting yourself first and exercising. You deserve to live life as the happiest and best version of yourself… but that can only be achieved if you start NOW. 


Tip 1: Find something you enjoy! 
Exercise does not have to be a chore. In fact, when you find exercise that you like, it can become a hobby. Your safe place. A place where you grow to be the best version of yourself. Even a place of memories with like-minded people! 

So, try something new. Exercise doesn’t mean beating yourself to the ground. When you find something you like, you are more likely to stick with. And the best thing about it, you don’t have to be great to start! 

Don’t judge yourself on your first experience! Give yourself 2-3 weeks to adapt to the training, see beginnings of changes in your body, and to understand the programming on offer. 

When you find what you like (which I promise, you will), it will change your life! 


Tip 2: Don’t think, just do! 
The more you think about it, the more you can talk yourself out of it (and the more you’ll put it off!) Ever heard of the saying "Just do it"? It means, stop doubting yourself, and just go out and do it. So, put on those shoes and get out the door! 

Maybe even grab a friend to join you! Make today the day you decide to change everything. You deserve it!


Tip 3: Organise yourself 
A. Schedule your training days + times into your diary or calendar. (This is so important!)

B. Organise the family/household.

C. Have your gear packed in your work bag, or set it out the night before so it's ready to put on in the morning. 

D. Remember to set your alarm and DO NOT press snooze. 


Tip 4. Find someone inspiring 
Who do you look at and think, "They are amazing"? 

Whether it’s for aesthetics, training type, their physical strength, or life goals; take save their picture and make it your lockscreen/screensaver, or print it and put it up on your fridge or vision board. 

Use them for inspiration! If they can do this, then, my friend, so can you! They were once in the same position as you, but they decided to "Just do it".  


I hope you find these tips helpful and recognise that you deserve to put yourself first!

Reach out if you have any questions. 


Big love,
Sara XO 

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